Discord Serveur - Les Gardiens du Jeu

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Enregistré le : 22 juin 2008, 16:07

Discord Serveur - Les Gardiens du Jeu

Message non lu par Mafalda »

Salut à tous,

Après de multiple test, j'en reviens à Discord pour les tables virtuels (Roll20 est bien mais limité en nombre de place et plutôt lourd).

Je viens de créer un serveur discord pour le club. Dessus il y a un bot Dice launcher pour pouvoir lancer les dés. A voir si nous mettons d'autres Bots par la suite.

Voici les commandes du bot dice:
Dice Maiden is a simple to use dice rolling bot perfect for any trpg sessions.
Below are examples of the dice roll syntax:
!roll 2d6 + 3d10: Roll two six-sided dice and three ten-sided dice.
!roll 3d6 + 5: Roll three six-sided dice and add five. Other supported static modifiers are add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/). NOTE: These static modifiers must be applied to the end of the roll syntax and after other modifiers.
!roll 3d6 e6: Roll three six-sided dice and explode on sixes.
!roll 3d10 d1: Roll three ten-sided dice and drop one die. The lowest value will be dropped first. NOTE: These dice are dropped before any dice are kept with the following k command. Order of operations is : roll dice, drop dice, keep dice
!roll 3d10 k2: Roll three ten-sided dice and keep two. The highest value rolled will be kept.
!roll 4d6 r2: Roll four six-sided dice and reroll any that are equal to or less than two.
!roll 6d10 t7: Roll six ten-sided dice and any that are seven or higher are counted as a success. The dice in the roll are not added together for a total. Any die that meets or exceeds the target number is added to a total of successes.
!roll 5d10 t8 f1: f# denotes a failure number that each dice must match or be beneath in order to count against successes. These work as a sort of negative success and are totaled together as described above. In the example roll, roll five ten-sided dice and each dice that is 8 or higher is a success and subtract each one. The total may be negative.
!roll 4d10 kl3: Roll four ten-sided dice and keep the lowest three dice rolled. NOTE: This modifier will only work with comments and math modifiers
!roll purge 10: Purge the last 10 messages from channel. The purge value can be between 2 to 100 messages and requires the user to have the "manage messages" role.
!roll 4d6 ! Hello World!: Roll four six-sided dice and add comment to the roll.
!roll 6 4d6: Roll 6 sets of four sixe-sided dice. A size of a set can be between 2 and 20.
!roll s 4d6: Simplify roll output by not showing the tally.
!roll 4d6 ! unsort: Roll four six-sided dice and unsort the tally.
!roll help: Displays basic usage instructions.
These commands can be combined. For example:
!roll 10d6 e6 k8 +4: Roll ten six-sided dice , explode on sixes and keep eight of the highest rolls and add four.
Voici le lien:

Vous pouvez aussi me filer vos pseudo sur discord, je vous inviterai.
Modifié en dernier par Mafalda le 31 mars 2020, 10:13, modifié 1 fois.
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Messages : 2126
Enregistré le : 22 juin 2008, 16:07

Re: Discord Serveur - Les Gardiens du Jeu

Message non lu par Mafalda »

Le serveur discord prend forme, merci à dinbo pour son boulot
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Re: Discord Serveur - Les Gardiens du Jeu

Message non lu par Psychopat »

Merci à lui ! :mrgreen:
"Allez tous vous faire déchirer..."

Asako Moharu :
"Un rikugunshokan infaillible peut-il commettre une erreur Daïdoji-san ?"
Daïdoji Asami :
"Un rikugunshokan Grue ou un rikugunshokan Lion Asako-sama ?"
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Messages : 2126
Enregistré le : 22 juin 2008, 16:07

Re: Discord Serveur - Les Gardiens du Jeu

Message non lu par Mafalda »

Pour info, je viens de rajouter sur le discord du club un bot pour D&D : Avrae. Il est compatible avec D&D Beyond
